When my son was born, I fell in love with photographing newborns. Well maybe it wasn't that smooth of a journey to where I am today. When my son was born, I worked as a photographer for New Balance, photographing shoes and apparel in a studio. I had tons of experience behind a camera, and knew how to properly light a subject... That wasn't moving. Or super fragile. So as I photographed my son, I loved learning how to capture his tiny sweetness and I like to think I did a decent job with his newborn photos. Honestly, I was terrified of working with someone else's precious baby! But I wanted so badly to share my gift of photography with other families. Thankfully, I had some amazing friends and family that trusted me and let me practice with their little ones. My first official session was a little rough as I navigated all the tips and tricks I'd tried before and read on the internet. By my second session, after LOTS of practice, I had more confidence and knew ways to soothe and pose newborns. When I was wrapping and posing that sweet baby, everything else just faded away. It was then that I realized that I loved photographing newborns. It has now been almost seven years since that ‘a-ha’ moment, and I am still so in love with photographing newborns! Let’s count down my top five reasons I love being a newborn photographer! Oh, and to help add some cuteness to this blog, I’ll be sharing a few of baby Liam's images from a recent newborn session! Welcome to the world, baby Liam!!

Reason #5 – I get to help new parents!

Most of my newborn clients are first time parents, and all have that same feeling I know I had when my son was born – “where’s the owner’s manual”? Yep, these precious little ones don’t come with instructions. I remember my panic we arrived home with my son, after the longest day and a half at the hospital with very little sleep and no instructions. I wasn't sure what we were supposed to do next....LOL! I love being able to offer advice and experiences from my own newborn phase as well as my experience working with lots of newborns that might help with the whole new parenting thing. I often chat with new parents about the struggles of nursing, umbilical cord smells, calming techniques and so much more. I just love helping new parents!

Reason #4 I get to be creative!

I am constantly keeping an eye out at antique shops, Goodwill and fabric stores for cool and unique newborn props and materials. I love to make and incorporate custom props for my clients, like this sweet stocking cap that I created for Liam. Every time I get a new prop, blanket or headband, I get so excited about coordinating colors and textures. With each new prop, I imagine how I will incorporate posing, colors, etc… and since each baby is different, I get to modify colors and poses as I go to for each baby and family. Such fun for my creative side!

Reason #3 I love the challenge!

Every baby is different! I’ve photographed 5 lbs preemies and 10 lbs newborns. 4 day old babies and 5 week old babies. Really sleepy, super tense, happily awake, frowny, smiley, poopy… you name it, I have photographed them all! And I love it! I love that every single newborn I get to photograph is different. It keeps me on my toes! With every newborn, I get to learn their little personalities. Are they going to be super sleepy and relaxed? Are they going to need extra comfort and cuddles? I get so excited when a new baby arrives and I get to spend time learning about them!

Reason #2 I get to take part in these most special moments in life!

The birth of a new baby… for me, will always be one of the most magical and special times in my life. The fact that I get to share in this time with new parents makes me so happy! Parents come to me sleep deprived, exhausted, but so full of love for their new baby. And I get to be there for that! I get to experience a new mom shed a tear because she looks over to her baby that I am posing and is so in love, or the father that looks at his wife or partner with such awe and love for what they have just experienced together. I get to witness that first meeting of siblings that is so precious. These are moments that will always be cherished. How wonderful to be a part of that!

Reason #1 I do it for the snuggles!

Ohhhh the newborn snuggles! How I cherish those sweet memories but these days my son is too big for me to rock and ‘shuuuush’ to sleep. I mean, he is in first grade and he's just too big and wiggly for me to even carry him anymore! I miss those cuddles and snuggles with my own babies, and LOVE being able to snuggle your babies! That newborn smell, their tiny baby toes, their sweet noises, smiles during sleep… newborns are so beautiful and perfect, and I LOVE being able to hang out with these teeny babies!